Why be a Worker Bee When You Can Own The Hive?
When things light up and the real estate market is on fire, everyone is watching and waiting to see what happens next, how long it will last, and what effect it will have on them. We all know that growth creates change and so does a pandemic. One emerging trend in the PropertyGuys.com world is our business model is attracting traditional licensed real agents, and not just a few, they’re coming in swarms.
Wait…what? You thought that traditional agents didn’t agree with our disruptive model? Think again. More than ever licensed agents are seeking out change and new opportunities.
We’re definitely seeing an upswing of inquiries from both the USA and Canada on our franchise opportunities site but this comes as no surprise to Daina Hernden and the franchise development team at PropertyGuys.com headquarters.
It started a few years ago but more recently, since the onset of COVID-19, there has been a serious shift in the mentality of the traditional agent, how they want to conduct business and what their end game or exit strategy looks like. Now with PG Direct Realty (PGDR) as our sister brokerage company, they have a place to operate their license along with ownership in a proven franchise system.
“The real estate agents I speak with daily are all resonating with the same message. Tired, tired of working more for less,” explained Hernden.
“They are tired of being one of thousands with the same value proposition, showings and hoping that their offer sticks, competition and cutthroat industry that they are part of. Mostly though, they are tired of working for someone else with nothing to show for it in the end and they are tired of their antiquated system,” she added.
Agents are tired of being part of a swarm of worker bees bringing honey back to the hive. Why be a worker bee when you can own the whole hive?
We’re seeing a huge trend or a movement toward working for yourself and becoming a business owner instead of working for a corporation, agency, or brokerage. We know people love working from a home base, creating a better work/life balance with a flexible schedule, and having a sense of community… helping others. Now, licensed agents can have it all. We offer a place where they can become business owners and practice real estate realizing the best of both worlds.
For decades the only model for those wanting to work in real estate was an agent-centric model. We’ve known all along that the consumer needs to be at the center of the real estate transaction with the right mix of marketing and services. It’s not a one size fits all business so we offer a level of service to help everyone based on their needs and that includes sellers and buyers. Instead of licensed agents hunting for the sweet nectar of the sale, our franchisees have their funnel already full of happy sellers who just saved a ton of commission and are looking for their new home.

“I feel that the mindset has changed and we’re ripe for disruption and change. I see agents from across the country light up when they reach out to us for information.
Are you considering becoming a real estate agent? Do you like the concept of being one of one in an exclusive protected franchise territory? If so, we need to talk,” Daina enthused.
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