At the core of this success story is the dynamic franchise owner, Kristelle Campbell. Her unwavering commitment to excellence, innovative strategies, and passion for serving the community have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in securing this well-deserved recognition.
Kristelle Campbell, a visionary entrepreneur, assumed the leadership of the Pictou County franchise with a clear goal in mind – to create a thriving business that not only meets customer needs but also contributes to the local community. Her dedication and hard work have not only met but exceeded expectations, establishing her as a standout leader in the franchise world.
“I am honored and humbled to receive this prestigious award. It’s a testament to the incredible efforts of our entire team and the unwavering support of the Pictou County community,” said Kristelle Campbell during a post-award interview. She goes on to recognize key players in her location, thanking them specifically in a video thanking the home office team, her fellow franchisees, Kristian Curley, Ashley Greening, Traci Langille, and Mitch and Matt (The Sign Guys). |